People are surprised by Suzy’s recent visuals

Suzy’s recent visuals

[+379, -56]

1. [+66, -19] Freaking pretty

2. [+54, -22] With her bangs, she looks younger and it suits her so well

3. [+49, -20] Maybe it’s because Suzy wears them, the clothes are pretty too

4. [+42, -17] She photographs so well for Guess. Suzy looks pretty with K2 too~

5. [+35, -15] She was so pretty that day. But Suzy’s antis took her weird screencaps while pretending to be her fan to bash her

6. [+20, -5] As for Suzy, if you look at the comments she’s received so far, she’s still amazing

7. [+18, -14] She looks like a doll

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