HYBE’s letter to fans, artists, employees and shareholders of SM Entertainment

HYBE: The letter to fans, artists, employees and shareholders of SM Entertainment

1. I’m really curious about the outcome of this takeover

2. I hate HYBE, but I hate Kakao too

3. They’re the largest shareholder, but they haven’t taken over SM yet… They’re talking like they’ve already taken over SM

4. SM said that they never asked HYBE for help, but is it okay to do this unilaterally?

5. I wish SM could sue HYBE for crossing the line

6. Whatever it is, it’s sad that SM is still a label in the end

7. Please respect and love your current artists first

8. HYBE finally won?

9. Bang Si Hyuk will become Lee Soo Man when he gets old

10. They’re talking as if they came to save SM who’s in trouble?

11. Isn’t HYBE raised by ARMYs? They are so arrogant

12. That company is now like Lee Soo Man’s accomplice, so I don’t like them no matter what they do

13. NCT, let’s become like BTS

14. K-pop is over now

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