Aespa Giselle’s outfit on ‘Amazing Saturday’ is too revealing

Aespa Giselle’s outfit on ‘Amazing Saturday’ received negative responses…

Everyone asked why Giselle was dressed like that

1. Can they call it clothes..?

2. No, they recorded for several hours and they dressed like that????

3. What is that? It’s dangerous and it’s not pretty

4. Aespa always wears slightly revealing clothes;

5. Sometimes I feel like Aespa’s outfits are too short… These kids have to dance while singing, not just stand still…

6. I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was so bad

7. I was surprised when I saw it on YouTube, why is she dressed like that?

8. Why did she dress like that on a variety show?

9. I don’t know who Giselle is, but is she wearing an apron-like outfit in the video…? No… What’s happening? That’s…swimsuit…?

10. I don’t know who Giselle is but I immediately know what those clothes are?

11. This is the first time I’ve seen someone dressed like that on a variety show

12. Is it an apron?

13. I was about to ask who Giselle was but I knew as soon as I saw her outfit

14. Please don’t dress like that ㅠㅠ

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