Aespa Karina’s outfits that are making netizens nervous because there are so many mistakes these days

Aespa Karina’s outfits that are making me nervous because there are so many mistakes these days

Fallen shoes, needles stuck in costumes
Broken strap, one that was about to break

Wearing shoes with different heel heights

This picture was from Song Festival yesterday

1. Are they crazy??????????

2. If not just once but many times, isn’t that intentional? Wow, I doubt their coordi did that on purpose

3. How could they not care about Karina like that?

4. Is the coordi an anti?

5. Their coordi hates Karina????

6. Wow, who is the coordi? They should change the coordi

7. How does she perform on stage wearing shoes with different heel heights?

8. Wow, I started cursing as soon as I saw the picture. What are you doing, SM?

9. I was really shocked when I saw the needle..

10. The other members are fine, but is Karina’s outfit always like that??

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