An EXO fan is caught at customs when entering Korea for suspicious behavior

An EXO fan is caught at customs when entering Korea for suspicious behavior

“A bit of an embarrassing story, but as I returned to Korea, the customs officer had to open my luggage to conduct a customs investigation because my flight history of going to Manila and Taiwan in a short period of time seemed unusual.

But as soon as they opened it, a poster, slogan, light stick, and photo cards were on top, so the officials were a bit confused and asked where I had gone. I told them I went to a concert, and they said, ‘Ah, you’re an EXO fan,’ and let me pass.”

1. I’m glad they knew you were an EXO fan as soon as they saw the poster

2. EXO is like a drug…

3. I was in Taiwan for one day and Thailand for two days, but luckily I didn’t get caught

4. I guess they were wondering if she was a drug dealer or something

5. No, as soon as they opened the suitcase, they saw Do Kyungsoo’s face. I’m sure the customs officers were confused too

6. The customs officers are so hardworking and work so well

7. A fan is crazy about the Asia tour

8. She’s just a loyal fan

9. Her drug is Do Kyungsoo

10. As soon as they opened the suitcase, they saw Do Kyungsoo’s face

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