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Baby Monster Ahyeon received many reactions saying that her image resembles Jennie
Ahyeon, born in 2007
There seem to be a lot of reactions saying that even her singing and rapping on stage reminds people of Jennie
I think I know why Yang Hyun Suk waited for Ahyeon…
1. For me, she looks like Huh Yunjin
2. I think Chiquita looks more like Jennie
3. I also thought of Huh Yunjin after watching the video just now
4. She looks like Kim Garam + Huh Yunjin
5. She’s nice and pretty but she doesn’t have Jennie’s vibes
6. She reminds me of Huh Yunjin
7. Looking at the fancam, she looks like T-ara’s Jiyeon
8. She looks like Jennie on stage, especially when she frowns
9. There is another member who looks like Jennie but she looks like Huh Yunjin
10. I can see YG’s intention is to raise her like Jennie. But they don’t look alike at all
11. I only see Jennie when she frowns
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