BLACKPINK Rosé’s new OIOI collection is crazy

No, looks like the clothes here are made specifically for Rosé?

[+149, -13]

1. [+42, -8] Rosé even turned Homeplus into a luxury brand ㅠ

2. [+22, -3] The jacket is so nice, I want to buy it

3. [+18, -6] I love Rosé so much ㅠ Rosé is just a luxury…..

4. [+6, -1] BLACKPINK is a group but has a lot of individual activities. I’m looking forward to their comeback

5. [+5, -2] Why is she so pretty?

6. [+4, -2] Seriously, they look like luxury clothes….. The quality changes because Rosé wears itㄷ ㄷ

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