But idol fans seem to have a lot of money

But idol fans seem to have a lot of money…

The concert ticket is 200,000 won but they still want to go?

1. I think it’s worth it to spend money on concerts, but I don’t understand buying so many albums

2. It’s only once or twice a year, and while everyone else is shopping, eating, I spend money on concerts…

3. Because it’s only once or twice a year

4. It’s not monthly, it’s only once or twice a year, office workers are fine

5. Looking at the concert, I go to 2 concerts a year, but I guess I’ll buy less clothes

6. It’s once or twice a year, so I go because I can afford it

7. I saved money to go, but there was no seat for me

8. I’m fine if I only like one group, but there are so many idols that I want to go to their concerts

9. So I just go to concerts and I don’t spend money on albums or goods

10. I reduce my spending on other things and use it for concerts..!

Original post (1)