[Exclusive] Dawn, Hyuna’s ‘ex-boyfriend’ deleted everything about her from SNS… Is she conscious of ‘marrying Yong Jun Hyung’?
Singer Dawn deleted all traces of his ex-girlfriend singer Hyuna on SNS
1. He should have deleted it when they broke up
2. I really think Dawn has good manners, so what’s the problem?
3. Dawn seems like a good person. I hope he meets a good person
4. I think that’s polite behavior
5. Reporter, if it were you, would you delete posts about your ex-girlfriend?
6. I hope Dawn will do better in the future
7. He has good manners and is so cool
8. His ex-girlfriend is getting married and Dawn has good manners
9. This is good, but how do you know he is polite? Is he a celebrity with a good image?
10. This is something Dawn did so well
11. Leave Dawn alone!
12. He left the group just because he was dating and it ended like this
13. He is kind and mature
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