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Does the main poster for IU’s concert released today reference Rihanna?
1. Even selfies are copyrighted nowㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I guess this only applies to IU ^^
2. Please leave IU alone
3. Rihanna touches lips and IU touches chin
4. But what I’m curious about is this isn’t Rihanna’s official photo but just her selfie, so who would put the selfie in the poster?
5. But Rihanna’s photo is not very good
6. IU is so pretty~
7. It’s true that they consulted a lot of references when planning the image, but it’s a bit disappointing that they copied Rihanna’s chin-up pose
8. Did you search using Google image search this time???? You guys are experts in this field
9. It’s not a reference, it’s just a commercial product… Just because the outfit matches someone else doesn’t mean it’s a reference…
10. Is Rihanna’s photo her official photo???
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