Ella Gross will debut in Teddy’s new girl group, she’s still pretty when she grows up

Ella Gross will debut in Teddy’s new girl group, she’s still pretty when she grows up!!!!

She looks a bit like the cat-faced + cold version of Danielle

[+217, -46]

1. [+86, -13] I watched the trailer, she’s so pretty and cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+80, -6] She grew up so fast

3. [+71, -35] She was prettier when she was a kid

4. [+68, -13] Only antis say that she’s not pretty when she grows up

5. [+52, -1] For real, so pretty

6. [+39, -3] She looks like Devon Aoki

7. [+22, -0] Looks like they’re gaining popularityㅋㅋ Jisoo just posted Ella on her Instagram story

8. [+13, -0] ?.. Just looking at the picture, she looks like Seo Shin Ae…

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