Han So Hee’s agency announces legal action amid dating news

Han So Hee’s agency announces legal action

1. I really support So Hee ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

2. This is my first time supporting a celebrity suing for malicious comments

3. Celebrities are just human so stop criticizing them ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

4. I don’t know why Han So Hee is criticized

5. I hope she knows that there are a lot of people supporting her

6. I really support Han So Hee!

7. Han So Hee is my favorite actress so this time I’m so sad and heartbroken, I support her suing the haters

8. I really don’t understand what Han So Hee did wrong to be criticized

9. Looking at Twitter, there are a lot of crazy kids

10. Are they Hyeri’s maids? Why do they act like that??

Original post (1)