Hyeri followed Ryu Jun Yeol’s Instagram account until this morning, but now she no longer follows his Instagram account

Hyeri followed Ryu Jun Yeol’s Instagram account until this morning, but now she no longer follows his Instagram account

She was still following Ryu Jun Yeol’s Instagram account about 50 minutes ago

She has now unfollowed

1. I support Hyeri, please be happy

2. No, since he has a new girlfriend, of course she has to unfollow her ex-boyfriend.. Hyeri is just doing her job, why are you guys making a fuss?

3. Hyeri-ah, I support you even though I don’t know what it is

4. He has a new girlfriend, so should she follow him? People are so hateful

5. Wow Hyeri, I support you

6. Hyeri…ㅠㅠㅠ I hope you can only be happy from now on ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

7. Hyeri fighting

8. I guess she unfollowed him because he has a new girlfriend, but because of that she’s making noise like a stalker

9. I hope that she meets a more handsome man

10. But haven’t they been broken up for a while? Why does she do this?.. Is there any problem?

11. I hope Hyeri is happy ㅠㅠ

12. What kind of charm does he have?

Original post (1)