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I think we need to make related laws and regulate them
There are already memes and videos of both going around. Both are fake
1. Wow, this is scary;;;
2. I saw Song Hye Kyo’s meme… It gave me goosebumps…
3. In the future, you can create and spread rumors about celebrities yourself
4. Wow, it looks more natural than I thought
5. It’s a really big problem… I’m really worried about the future of the world
6. I think it’s best for you not to post your face on SNS
7. I’m not sure about V but Song Hye Kyo is scary
8. Honestly, I know it’s not V but she looks exactly like Song Hye Kyo
9. The woman’s face looks so real, but the man’s face looks fake
10. V looks fake but Song Hye Kyo looks real
Original post (1)