In terms of career compared to his age, Jungkook seems to be at the one top of the entertainment industry

In terms of career compared to his age, Jungkook seems to be at the one top of the entertainment industry

He got #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and performed at the Opening Ceremony of the World Cup, how is he only 25 years old?

[+269, -26]

1. [+97, -3] Isn’t he still at the one top even if you don’t compare in terms of age?

2. [+76, -4] Are there any Korean singers that surpass Jungkook’s career?

3. [+70, -2] I don’t think that career will appear again in the future… Who will perform at the opening ceremony of the World Cup at the age of 25?

4. [+50, -3] Even without the age comparison, he’s still the one with his career at the one top, he’s still setting records

5. [+14, -0] BTS and Jungkook’s careers themselves are the one top even if you don’t compare in terms of age

6. [+12, -1] Isn’t this the top of the world?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+11, -0] I think he will release two more albums and go on his stadium tour..

8. [+10, -0] King Jungkook

Original post (1)