Jang Wonyoung attacks sasaengs?

Jang Wonyoung attacks sasaengs?

“Lastly, when I’m spending personal time
I get really taken aback when someone I’ve never met shoves their phones in my face.
I’d be so thankful if people were as nice and understanding as you, unnie.
Unnie, hurry, It’s time that you show your pretty feelings to us too.
If you come to me during one of our concerts, I’ll greet you nicer than anyone else.
Come to where I am to meet me.”

[+172, -198]

1. [+370, -11] Rather than attack, she asks nicely like ‘I would be so thankful if you were understanding’~ That’s too nice to be an attackㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+320, -7] It must have been really difficult for her seeing how great she is at ignoring haters

3. [+302, -7] She doesn’t snipe at fans, she’s requesting nicely. She also cushioned her request so that fans don’t misunderstand her

4. [+58, -2] Why does she talk so nicely?.. I’m ten years older than Wonyoung but I’m learning from her

5. [+42, -2] She’s not attacking them, but sasaengs deserve to be attacked

6. [+25, -3] I’m not her fan but she talks really well, just like her face

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