Jimin fans claim that other BTS members have purchased the streaming service

Jimin fans claim that other BTS members have purchased the streaming service

While searching, I was so shocked. They just calmly said it as if it were the truth, and others would believe it if they saw it

1. Those ba$tards are always crazy with conspiracy theories

2. If possible, don’t look at those ba$tards’ tweets, even normal fans can’t understand

3. I know, but it’s so weird that people believe such things

4. Anyway, unless you’re a hater, no one believes it

5. Which article have you read? Can you at least show me a picture?

6. The akgaes are always like that

7. I feel the same way about the other group members

8. No matter where you go, all akgaes are like that. You are also an akgae and generalized what you saw by posting it here

9. Akgaes are trash so the answer is to ignore them..ㅠ

10. Akgaes seems to see Akgaes only in Akgaes’s eyes

Original post (1)