K-netizens say they finally understand why Min Heejin is sensitive to ILLIT

I finally understand why Min Heejin is sensitive to ILLIT

“Even by looking at the respective companies’ directions, in March, Source explained their direction as ‘the growth of beautiful people of power,’ and they recaliberated that in August as ‘an adventure to set off and find the real me, the story of the growth of young girls,’ but it was difficult for me to agree that this recaliberation was a development of the plans set in March. I think it is much closer to the suggested plans of the CBO Office in May.

In the CBO’s materials in May regarding ‘Teen Influencer,’ it was reflected that the group would be “friends of global teens, global influencers with an honest and free vibe.” The contents of the materials from the CBO’s May plans were about relating to and sympathizing with teens. The materials from Source Music in August were also targetting females in their teens, appealing with visuals that they want to copy. This is very different from the plans presented in March by BigHit (and Source Music) where the target audience was male fans.”

Project proposal submitted by Min Heejin in 2020, “The adventure to set off and find the real me”

ILLIT’s debut album name “Super Real Me”

1. Source Music has no conscience

2. Min Heejin is the theory of everything?

3. Wow seriously… I would also become more sensitive if that happened

4. But isn’t ‘finding the real me’ really like Dahn World’s slogan?

5. “Friends of global teens, global influencers with an honest and free vibe” It’s just like an introduction to Belift Lab’s girl group concept

6. I think the plan proposed by Min Heejin is not “an adventure to set off and find the real me”, but the direction that Source reset after Min Heejin’s plan was proposed!

7. You mean So Seong-jin plagiarized Min Heejin’s idea

8. They have no conscience

9. I understand why Min Heejin is angry

10. So they copied the direction of her girl group

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