Karina shows off her affection for Lee Jae Wook by wearing couple sunglasses

Karina❤️Lee Jae Wook, showing off their couple item

Karina shows off her affection for Lee Jae Wook by wearing couple sunglasses

1. Why are they like that?

2. This article makes me somewhat understand why fans hate dating rumors, reporters are the problem

3. They sound like stalkers

4. I really hate it…

5. Lee Jae Wook wore it before the dating rumors?

6. It’s not even the same product.. Karina’s one is a new sunglasses released in 2014 and Lee Jae Wook’s picture was from last year

7. But it is not a bracelet, ring or necklace, it is a basic item

8. I guess this is why fans hate public dating…ㅠㅠ

9. Leave them alone

10. No matter what, trash journalists are the worst

Original post (1)