Karina’s photos were posted on Krush Beer’s Instagram

Karina’s photos were posted on Krush Beer’s Instagram

She went to the pop-up store

1. It’s true that Karina is so pretty

2. Hul, she looks like AI

3. She really looks like AI

4. Hul, I really want to meet her in real life once… I’m really tired of saying this, but she looks so AI that I can’t believe she’s human… She’s so, so pretty…

5. She really looks like AI.. So pretty ㅠㅠ

6. Our Jimin is really pretty ㅠㅠ

7. Karina is a god

8. Seriously, she looks like AI

9. I thought it was AI

10. No, she really looks like a game character, why is she so pretty?

11. I think it’s been photoshopped too much

12. Yoo Jimin is the best ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ

13. Yoo Jimin is the best, Karina is a goddess

Original post (1)