Kim Jae Hwan covers Jungkook’s ‘Standing Next to You’

Kim Jae Hwan covers Jungkook’s ‘Standing Next to You’

At the concert yesterday

1. I feel like he put in a lot of effort

2. I never thought there would be a singer covering this song, but he really worked hard. Please enjoy it

3. Kim Jae Hwan performed well but the dancers seemed a bit messy and out of sync

4. Jungkook will love it when he sees it

5. Wow, this song is really difficult to perform live but it seems like he practiced a lot

6. He dances better than I thought. I support him

7. I know he sings well, but he dances so well, he puts in a lot of effort

8. This is a very difficult song but he did well!

9. I knew he was a good singer but I was surprised at his dancing skills

10. Kim Jae Hwan’s dancing skills have improved a lot, he’s really good

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