Rosé’s new song on Spotify
[+37, -15]
1. [+82, -35] Bruno Mars carried the whole thing
2. [+71, -29] If it weren’t for APT, the album would’ve been an even bigger flop…
3. [+67, -20] I heard 310,000 copies were sold on the first day, but 290,000 of those were from Chinese bulk buyingㅋㅋㅋ Seriously, are there no fans in Korea?
4. [+61, -17] But seriously, considering APT exploded and she toured the US actively like a local artist… These numbers are below expectations, right?
5. [+56, -26] Can’t sell albums, streaming is low, even mentioning her boyfriend doesn’t get any reaction. What is she going to do now?
6. [+37, -5] APT only helps increase Bruno Mars’ popularity in Korea
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