Korean netizens say that Jang Wonyoung is a super beauty these days

No, Jang Wonyoung is a super beauty these days

Not human beauty but filled with three-dimensional beautyㄷㄷ

[+224, -82]

1. [+40, -15] She’s always been pretty since her debut.. She’s always been pretty without any changes, and because of her unique vibe, she was born to be an idol

2. [+27, -12] She looks like a real Disney princess. Even though I’m not a fan, I sometimes stop and look at her pictures while watching Reels

3. [+24, -10] I hope she smiles more in 2025

4. [+19, -7] Jang Wonyoung looks youthful thanks to her cheeks

5. [+19, -9] F*cking pretty

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