Lisa’s TikTok account shows that fans didn’t leave but remained silent about the dating rumors

Lisa created her TikTok accountㄷㄷ

[+45, -9]

1. [+14, -3] Lisa American Records RCA × LLOUD

2. [+14, -3] Looks like Lisa’s solo is coming soon

3. [+11, -3] Wow seriously, Lisa’s solo is coming soon… crazy


4. [+11, -3] I hope she posts more dance videos

5. [+9, -2] It surpassed 1 million in less than two hours

6. [+7, -2] I’m really looking forward to Lisa’s solo… Please release the song soon

7. [+5, -1] Please perform hard

8. [+4, -2] More than 4 million

9. [+3, -2] It’s not that the fans left, but they’re just silent about the dating rumors? I couldn’t even imagine that the firepower would be this big

Original post (1)