Looking at the current state of the Melon chart makes netizens think of this classic meme

Looking at the current state of the Melon chart makes me think of the classic meme

From the era of Melon real-time chart

1. Anyway, I think it’s the result of the fans’ hard work

2. But are there still people who still use Melon?? Seriously, everyone around me uses YouTube now

3. Wow, from 1st to 29th place are all EXO and BTS except TTㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. This is why Melon went bankrupt

5. Because of this, Melon failed

6. EXO was amazing at that time……

7. The reason Melon failed was because of sajaegiㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They made a living off of fandom streaming

8. At that time, the queue was so severe that they struggled to change the rules of the Melon chart, and the number of users dropped by 1/3

9. I hated it so I switched to YouTube and Apple Music

10. Other fans were so jealous of those fandoms at the time

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