Looking back at Jennie when she was 22 years old, she had the prettiest face among the 4th and 5th generation female idols

Jennie, 22 years old

Seriously.. Jennie is so pretty and cool. I think she has the prettiest face among the 4th and 5th generation female idols

But even though she’s 28 years old, she’s still so pretty… Seriously, I never get tired of looking at this face

[+240, -92]

1. [+59, -32] I feel like she’s different from current female idols, her aura also seems different

2. [+53, -21] How is it that even her name is Kim Jennie?

3. [+49, -28] ”Celebrity”

4. [+30, -19] Those are the photos that appeared on April Fool’s Day this year… She’s so pretty

5. [+25, -17] Freaking pretty

6. [+14, -4] Jennie is Jennie

7. [+14, -17] But she still looks like she’s 22 years old

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