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The male idols whose core fandoms are the strongest domestically in my opinion
Highlight, EXO, BTS (In order of years since debut)
1. It’s good that idols have strong core fandoms, especially when looking at Baekhyun
2. Those three groups have the strongest domestic fandomsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The relationship between singers and fans is so strong
3. I’m a fan of another group, but I admit it
4. I really like Highlight
5. I thought of BTS and EXO, and as soon as I saw Highlight, I was a bit confused
6. Honestly, it’s true…
7. I agree
8. Even if I’m not a fan of these groups, I can totally agree
9. When I saw the title, I thought of BTS
10. Highlight..?
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