Netizens hate Kim Heechul and fans become his antis after his actions on live stream

Am I the only one who hates Kim Heechul?

Seeing Kim Kim Heechul cursing on Choi Goon’s live stream, I was furious. I’m a fan, so I was really disappointed

Am I the only one who hates Kim Heechul? I became his anti after yesterday

[+1317, -122]

1. [+439, -27] I feel weird by the fact that there are people who like him

2. [+342, -19] I’m not lying but I just don’t care about him…

3. [+259, -20] I totally hate him

4. [+178, -10] Just imagine a female idol saying words like him. Hannams really live an easy life

5. [+144, -49] Kim Heechul seems to need to restrain himself a bit. He wants to maintain his concept but he’s going overboard

6. [+122, -5] Why should we bother with a frivolous has-been ahjussi who doesn’t act his age…?

7. [+96, -7] What’s the difference between him and Kangin…

8. [+24, -4] Kim Heechul’s thoughts seem to represent men in their 20s and 30sㅋㅋ

9. [+21, -3] I wish he hadn’t mentioned our Eunwoo. On variety shows, he said that he’s close with Eunwoo, but so what? Our Eunwoo didn’t even mention him ㅜㅜㅜ

10. [+20, -3] You’re not alone

11. [+17, -6] He’s the 2nd Kim Guraㄷㄷ

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