Netizens predict the concept of BTS Jimin’s solo album ‘FACE’ after seeing the mood photo

BTS Jimin’s solo album ‘FACE’ Mood Photo

1. Personally, I wish there was at least one song with a stringed instrument, whether it’s cello or violin. It suits Jimin so well

2. I can’t imagine what the song will be like..!

3. I want to listen to the song soon

4. Crazy ㅠㅠ That’s exactly what I want

5. I agree that he looks like a dancer.. Just by looking at his back, I can feel the elegance that I can feel from professional dancers or unique art

6. I can’t wait to see what concept he will make his solo debut with

7. Is this the back of a professional dancer?

8. Is he walking out of the dark room now? The album name is also Face, he seems to be walking out of the room and facing something he’s been thinking about..?

9. No, why is he so thin?

10. Lonely? Empty? That’s Jimin’s mood for this album?

11. I wonder what he’s trying to show

12. Jimin-ah ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I’m really curious about that feeling ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

13. I envy Jimin’s body

14. Wow, just look at his back, he’s a dancer

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