Netizens say that Haerin seems to be the only one with a different vibe among Dior ambassadors

Haerin seems to be the only one with a different vibe in Dior’s photos


[+213, -52]

1. [+121, -31] I think that Haerin would suit Chanel better

2. [+102, -4] But they all seem to have that deer image? But Haerin is the only one who has the cat image

3. [+91, -39] I’m sick of these Dior gatekeepers

4. [+53, -27] It’s just the difference in outfits, don’t mind this post and go to Enter-talk

5. [+46, -9] So what? Go to Enter-talk

6. [+36, -7] In my opinion, Haerin suits Chanel and Minji suits Dior

7. [+33, -11] She’s the only one who doesn’t have luxury

8. [+15, -0] In short, she doesn’t suit luxury brands

9. [+14, -2] Honestly, I feel like she looks like a middle school student going there with her mother

Original post (1)