Netizens say that Haerin’s proportions are no joke

Wow, Haerin’s proportions are no joke

Not everyone can become a celebrity

[+257, -87]

1. [+68, -11] Rather than proportions, Haerin’s balance in her body is so pretty. I think she’s the prettiest with all-black hair and a tennis outfit

2. [+61, -6] If you think that she’s average, then the Pann girls all need to be reborn

3. [+57, -7] Her body line is so pretty

4. [+45, -7] Having hips makes you look so pretty

5. [+31, -3] She has a pretty face, she has everything

6. [+30, -2] Her face is that of a baby

7. [+25, -4] She’s tall and so pretty

8. [+21, -3] F*cking cute

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