Netizens say that Jennie once again left legendary airport pictures

Jennie’s legendary airport pictures today

For real, she looks like 2018 Jennie

+ Jennie who liked the gift she received from her fan

[+346, -102]

1. [+138, -142] What’s legendary about this?

2. [+94, -43] This picture is crazy ㅠㅠ

3. [+72, -31] Freaking pretty

4. [+69, -29] Her hairstyle, outfit and makeup are perfect for her today

5. [+59, -22] She overlaps with this picture todayㅋㅋ So cuteㅋㅋ

6. [+34, -14] Even her proportions are perfect

7. [+14, -5] BLACKPINK members seem to be good at managing themselves, why does Jennie look so young?

Original post (1)