Netizens share their thoughts on “Is BTS really being taken advantage of by Grammy?”

Is BTS really being taken advantage of by Grammy?

1. BTS doesn’t need Grammy, but Grammy needs BTS

2. There’s no need to put a lot of meaning into the fact that they didn’t get a Grammy. I feel good because the foreign media praised BTS’s performance. BTS doesn’t need Grammy, but Grammy needs BTS

3. The Grammy is ‘local’.. The Grammy is not an international music awards ceremony.. They are very local

4. It’s great that they were nominated and it’s great that they performed the legendary stage at the Grammys. BTS will continue to be active, so they will win a Grammy one day

5. I don’t know if BTS is being taken advantage of by the Grammy, but the Grammy know they need BTS

6. It’s just a win-win for both sides

7. Anyway, being nominated for the Grammy proves BTS’ influence in the US pop industry. Next year, let’s be sure to get a nomination for the main award~

8. I’m not a fan of BTS, but personally I think it’s great to be able to attend the Grammy Awards

9. I think it’s amazing that BTS keeps going to the Grammy Awards like this

10. When BTS first entered the US music market, no one expected that they would be nominated for the Grammy and perform

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