Netizens think it would be better if Sullyoon stood on the side

I think it would be better if Sullyoon stood on the side

The picture below looks much more harmonious

[+289, -16]

1. [+133, -6] It’s a group that’s from a big company but why are their visuals harmony and proportional harmony like that of a small company?

2. [+127, -6] She used to stand on the side when they just debuted but you guys were the ones complaining about the visual member standing on the side and then they changed her to the middle

JYP 7ÀÎÁ¶ ½ÅÀÎ °É±×·ì ¿£¹Í½º (¼­¿ï=¿¬ÇÕ´º½º) JYP¿£ÅÍÅ×ÀθÕÆ®°¡ 1ÀÏ 7ÀÎÁ¶ ½ÅÀÎ °É±×·ì ¿£¹Í½ºÀÇ µ¥ºß ¼îÄÉÀ̽º¸¦ ¿Â¶óÀÎÀ¸·Î °³ÃÖÇß´Ù. ¿ÞÂʺÎÅÍ ¹èÀÌ, Áö¿ì, ÇØ¿ø, Áö´Ï, ±ÔÁø, ¸±¸®, ¼³À±. 2022.3.1 [JYP¿£ÅÍÅ×ÀθÕÆ® Á¦°ø. ÀçÆǸŠ¹× DB ±ÝÁö] 14:57:11/

3. [+85, -11] She’s so pretty, but somehow she looks better on the side with her proportions, so the 2nd picture looks better

4. [+83, -8] ITZY Yuna also stands on the side, if there’s a very pretty girl standing in the middle, I can only see her

5. [+29, -4] Without Jinni, I feel like NMIXX has lost their group identity

6. [+15, -0] I don’t understand why Sullyoon should be the center.. Her height and visuals are outstanding, but if she stands in the middle, the harmony will be broken

Original post (1)