Look at the nominations for Best Rookie Boy Groupㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I think they should give it to two girl groups instead of boy group
[+78, -2]
1. [+58, -0] I don’t know any boy groups here, the popularity of male idols is dwindling;;
2. [+22, -0] How can they get Rookie of the Year? ㅠㅠㅠ They should give the Rookie of the Year awards to 2 girl groups
3. [+16, -0] Honestly, we shouldn’t differentiate between male and female, they should give it to two girl groups. There’s no boy group that can get it……
4. [+11, -0] Well, I heard about these names, but seriously, this is my first time seeing them
5. [+4, -0] Who are all these male idols? Please give it to girl groups
6. [+3, -0] Seriously, I know all the female idols, but I don’t know any male idols
Original post (1)