Netizens were shocked when they saw BTS Jin’s photos at the training center

Pictures of Kim Seokjin (BTS) at the training center

He’s so handsome

1. Seokjin is doing so well

2. Wow I didn’t know you were tall

3. He still looks handsome even with that hair

4. Wow, those pictures were taken with a normal camera so it’s obvious that he’s handsome

5. Wow, he’s so handsome… Seriously

6. Wow, he stands out, he’s handsome even with that hair

7. I didn’t know he was that tall when he was with the members, but I can only see him here

8. I can feel that Seokjin is so handsome

9. He’s really handsome, Jin is really different

10. He’s tall and handsome

11. I really didn’t realize that Jin was tall (I just thought he had a small face and good proportions), but when I saw this, I was really impressed

12. I’m really surprised at his handsome looks, he looks like a drama actor, he’s so cool

13. I can understand why he’s a celebrity

14. Wow… look at his height… his eyebrows look good…

15. Honestly, don’t compare our looks with celebrities

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