Hul, NewJeans is the only K-pop group featured in the New York Times this year
Supernatural named best song of 2024, daebak
NewJeans ‘Supernatural’ Named ‘Best Song of 2024’ by The New York Times… The Only K-pop
[+152, -49]
1. [+53, -9] Supernatural.. I really like it ㅠ It feels like city pop
2. [+43, -7] You can trust NewJeans’ song
3. [+25, -7] Is NewJeans music popular in the West? Since Super Shy last year, I think I heard How Sweet charted high in the UK
4. [+21, -4] I keep listening to this song over and over again
5. [+8, -5] Now don’t worry anymore, just pay the fine and leave
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