Picture of trainee Hwang Minhyun was released

Picture of trainee Hwang Minhyun was released

1. He enlisted as a social worker, but this is the training center? (I don’t know)

2. Why does he look so worried?

3. I think there’s a picture somewhere that shows him looking like this when he just debuted, right?

4. He is handsome

5. Maybe it’s because he’s skinny that he looks sad

6. Wow, he’s so cute

7. Looks like he’s lost weight

8. He’s still handsome

9. He looks so young and handsome

10. He looks a bit like Park Seo Joon

11. Why is he so skinny, fighting!!!!!

12. No, seriously, why did he lose more weight?

13. No, he lost even more weight ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

14. Even if he loses weight, he still looks handsome ㅠㅠ

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