Samsung Germany account deleted post about BTS Suga

Samsung Germany account deleted post about BTS Suga

The other members remain the same

1. Samsung was deceivedㄷ

2. Hul, did they cancel his contract as an individual?

3. I think they did so well, but ARMYs will attack them

4. Foreign fans will flock there…

5. It’s midnight in Germany now, I feel sorry for the employees who have to work overtime

6. But why did the German Samsung account delete it?? Didn’t the Korean Samsung account delete it?

7. This decision was wise. Image is the lifeblood of advertising, but now he brings no benefit

8. Yoongi please leave the group

9. If he cares about his fans then leaving the group is the right thing to do

10. That’s right.. Please wake up

Original Post (1)