“She’s a foreigner after all” BLACKPINK Lisa’s Instagram picture makes Koreans faint

Lisa’s Instagram picture makes Koreans faint

She’s wearing high heels… on the bed

But this Celine show Lisa is so pretty

1. What… Eating french fries on the bed…

2. Lisa is pretty… Lisa is f*cking pretty…

3. I think it’s the new high heels

4. The combination I can’t stand the most… Food on the bed, shoes, loose clothes…

5. I can’t stand food on the bed… especially greasy food… no

6. I accept french fries, but the high heels on the bed crossed the line

7. But Lisa is so pretty

8. Could it be a concept photo? Maybe she sleeps somewhere else…..!!!!!

9. She’s a foreigner after all

10. I hope it’s the new high heels

11. Lisa has a lot of money so she can do whatever she likes

12. I hate someone who eats food on the bed

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