Stray Kids’ fandom sent protest trucks in front of JYP for changing the group’s coordi

Stray Kids’ fandom sent protest trucks in front of JYP for changing the group’s coordi

They sent a truck to express their dissatisfaction with the coordi since they changed it

“Caked and split-up bangs, Oily and waxy hair, Flat 5:5 parting, Everyone OUT, Improve Stray Kids’ hair”

“Coordi? Leave it… There’s too much to say, Just replace them, Change Stray Kids’ coordi”

The coordi that Stray Kids fans liked during God’s Menu~ Case143 (previous coordi)

S-class ~ LALALALA (the coordi receiving backlash right now)

1. ?? I don’t even know what has changed

2. I think I know why fans sent protest trucks. They used to be so pretty

3. The before was definitely better

4. The coordi was quite good before the chang

5. They dress the members like rich Chinese people, but the short kids look even shorter

6. Why did they change it? They deserve a truck

7. The hair looks so… insincere

8. Do foreigners like that hair? Why did they change it?

9. Maybe it’s because I’m not a fan so I think it’s okay but the costumes are so boring

10. Their hair, makeup and coordi got so bad

Original post (1)