The size difference between Irene and Anton attracts reactions

Look at the size difference between Irene and Anton

Anton’s shoulders are wide

[+114, -47]

1. [+53, -7] Irene is so pretty

2. [+40, -6] Irene is f*cking pretty

3. [+35, -5] But Irene, I don’t feel like she’s getting older… Honestly, if you ask someone who doesn’t know how old Irene is, they’ll probably say she’s 20 years old

4. [+30, -32] Anton is not attractive at all..

5. [+26, -2] Irene looks so small

6. [+14, -4] Anyway, I’m not a fan of Anton, but people say this is the male version of Chaeryeong, they look completely different though… ? Who are you creating such public opinion to criticize?

7. [+12, -6] They look like siblings from a rich family

8. [+10, -2] Anton’s body is crazy..

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