The song that has the highest chance of reaching #1 this year

The song that has the highest chance of reaching #1 this year

1. Wow, this is my first time hearing about the song and the group name. I live abroad and can’t hear it on the street… I really like this song

2. The song is so good, and even muggles listen to this song a lot…

3. Even though I don’t know much about idols, I guess it would be a big hit if I knew about it

4. This song is so addictive

5. Even though the people around me don’t know much about singers, most of them know this song, this song is so good

6. My mother also knows this song

7. I think this is the best male idol song released in the past few years

8. All the muggles around me know this song

9. RIIZE has been completely buried

10. I don’t know much about idol songs but this song is really good, especially the choreography is so cute

11. Even though I don’t know them, I know the song and can sing along

12. My mother only knows Bangtan songs, but she sang this song in the living room

13. I was so surprised that my husband, who knew nothing about idols, sang this song

14. I also listen to it every day

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