There were many people lining up in front of the Tambourines pop-up store in Shanghai for Jennie in real time

There were many people lining up in front of the Tambourines pop-up store in Shanghai for Jennie in real time

Tambourines pop-up store in Shanghai

They said they couldn’t see the end of the line…

This is also the place where the Jennie Tambourines billboard went viral last time and the Chinese government had to remove the billboard because there were too many people there causing traffic problems

[+68, -23]

1. [+40, -3] Tambourines was actually raised by Jennie

2. [+25, -2] Tambourines must bow to Jennie

3. [+14, -2] Queen

4. [+9, -2] But seriously, I also learned about Tambourines thanks to Jennie

5. [+8, -3] Kim Jennie is a superstar… a legend of all time

6. [+8, -3] This was when Tambourines appeared in Seongsu, Korea..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Original post (1)