This is genius idol according to Korean netizens

When you think of genius idols, who comes to mind first?

Which idol comes to your mind when it comes to genius idols

[+39, -39]

1. [+367, -66] Isn’t it GD?

2. [+286, -45] GD

3. [+271, -41] It’s G-Dragon.. His talent is genius and his idol power is genius too

4. [+206, -186] Jeon Soyeon

5. [+170, -68] Baekhyun

6. [+128, -55] It’s Baekhyun

7. [+122, -124] GD, Taeyeon, Baekhyun

8. [+91, -35] Kwon Jiyong, Byun Baekhyun

9. [+74, -3] Honestly, it’s GD

10. [+64, -59] Looks like GD fans gathered hereㅋㅋㅋ

Original post (1)