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To be honest, among all the female idols these days, STAYC’s J is the prettiest
From pictures of her in the past, she is still perfect and the same as now
When she just debuted, she attracted attention because she was so pretty with short hair
I don’t understand why she’s not popular
Her face is so pretty and her proportions are perfect
Honestly, J is the prettiest
[+65, -67]
1. [+26, -0] Natural beauty
2. [+19, -0] The older she gets, the prettier her face becomes
3. [+17, -1] Honestly, if she had gone to a big company, she would have been popular and done better
4. [+16, -0] If she has acting experience after a few years and acts well, I think she will become a perfect actress
5. [+11, -0] From the first time I saw J, I thought she was the prettiest. Her face is naturally pretty, looking more like an actress than an idol
6. [+8, -0] Freaking pretty ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
7. [+7, -0] J is prettier than Jang Wonyoung
8. [+7, -0] J is freaking pretty
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