TWICE Jihyo shocks with her new look recently

Is this TWICE Jihyo????

Isn’t she crazy? She has lost a lot of weight

[+93, -13]

1. [+44, -1] Even though I don’t really look for them, sometimes when I see them on the internet, I see that the members are all skinny

2. [+35, -6] No, but didn’t you know that Jihyo’s waist is really small?… Her pelvis is also quite big so her legs have been far apart since debut

3. [+27, -5] Hasn’t her body been good since Cheer Up..?

4. [+13, -4] She’s always been so skinny, right?

5. [+10, -0] But isn’t TWICE amazing? It’s been over 10 years, and every time they come back, the members’ visuals are the top. All the members always take good care of themselves and always work hard. They’re really crazy

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