Video of Lee Jae Wook and Karina meeting for the first time in Milan

Video of Lee Jae Wook and Karina meeting for the first time in Milan

1. Hul Karina is seriously pretty

2. I watched that video a month ago, and he looked really interested in something, the actor’s eyes made my heart flutter

3. The two of them get along so well

4. I love Karina so much ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Be happy ㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ

5. Karina has a good personality and is pretty, so who can hate her?

6. I don’t know what it is, but for some reason, their personalities seem to match so well

7. It’s a combination I never thought of, but they look good together and I’m so excited

8. Looking at the video, their chemistry is so good

9. This is their first time meeting each other but they seem so friendly?

10. Why am I excited?

11. They look alike, they get along so well

12. It’s nice to know that they are dating

13. I feel bad because I think I really like Karina… But it’s okay if she’s happy…

14. They are a cute couple and it seems like they have similar personalities

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