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Personally for me. I have actually liked their past two comebacks sound a lot. Even tho majority of people may not agree with me. I just found those two last cbs music catchy…in some way. I may not blast those sound during regular chore hours but hearing it in clubs is thumbs up for me.
Coming to their recent one. I don’t know. I am pretty much uncertain about this one. I can see they wanted to do what they did with last cbs but I still can’t get myself to look forward to it. But still as I remember myself disliking Nayeon Pop teaser and Twice TTT teaser sound a lot but eventually falling in love with the music when it got released. I think it’s better for me to give some time to it and wait for the entire song release.
But what about you? Have you listened to their teaser sound yet? If you have whats your opinion on it? Are you looking forward to it?
P.S: Please don’t hate anyone on comment section. Even if you don’t like it comment in a decent manner.