What do you think is the most successful song of the 3rd generation male idols?

If you could only choose one song from 3rd generation male idols, which song would it be?

[+22, -20]

1. [+415, -163] It’s Growl, no one can deny it

2. [+282, -143] If Big Bang ‘Lies’ is the most successful song of the 2nd generation, the 3rd generation is EXO’s Growl

3. [+247, -125] As soon as I saw the title, I thought of Growl

4. [+129, -178] When it comes to the biggest hit song, shouldn’t we judge it by the score? No song can beat Spring Day

5. [+117, -65] Dynamite?

6. [+94, -44] As soon as I saw the title, I immediately thought of Dynamite

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